Anyone done a Sleep Trial

Has anyone undergone a Sleep Trial ? I’m currently 2 weeks into a 3 week trial, monitors everywhere

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Hi, Yes I am doing a sleep study trial with Oxford University where they are having people who suffer from insomnia and depression to do their trail. The have discovered that in over 80% of people who have insomnia, people have depression also. Drs use to think that depression was the key cause of insomnia but the study has discovered its the other way around. Also this study is focused on sleep quality and not sleep quantity. When I first started the study, I really struggled with sleep deprivation and no napping. My body clock was so off key. Through neuroplaciticy I have learned new methods of coping with the sleep schedule they have set me, and I am keeping to that schedule, I am to do an online sleep stats so they can work out my sleep efficiency and I need to be hitting a minimum of 85+% each night consistently and then my sleep is increased by 15 mins additional sleep. The idea is to establish a sleep schedule and to stick to it. To create sleep drive, to implement sleep hygiene and to do a wind down each night before I go to bed. Im on day 30 today. I can honesty say it’s the toughest thing Ive done since Basic Training in the British Army! I am literally pulling myself up by my boot strings to force myself to stay awake!!! Ive gone from a sleep drive of 31.8% and waking up 12 x in a night, to 99.2% and waking up once!! I have the occasional bad night, but that is normally triggered by my poor health and being unwell. But it’s working, and its working consistently which is the most important thing!! What has gotten me though is keeping a journal, where I can write ANYTHING down, how Im feeling, what’s happening on my sleep journey, what works, what doesn’t work, it makes my sleep program THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in my life, because this is my only opportunity to get my sleep sorted out and get my life back on track! My journal keeps me accountable to myself. I listen to the Mel Robbins pod casts as she’s simply the best, and she talks about sleep, goal setting, etc and this has been a fantastic resource to spur me on too. I am deeply grateful to the sleep study for allowing me to be a volunteer for their program, as my GP absolutely REFUSES to help his patients when it comes to sleep. He says “just read the books” which I did, but they just dealt with sleep hygiene but they didn’t set a program to follow, which is where I fell down.
Best of luck with your sleep trial, just remember the longer you have had insomnia the longer it can take your brain to adjust, but everyone is different. Don’t give up, you aren’t alone on this journey, I am there too, and it’s a tough slog, but deep down in my bones, I believe in the science, I believe I can get my body to adjust, and stick to this program for life with the hope it will transform my life. My biggest wish for sleep trials would be for a buddy system, someone you can text who has done the program, who can give you advice on really tough days, who can answer questions. I have a sleep nurse who I can chat to once a week, but I just feel thats not enough sometimes. In AA, and drug rehab they have sponsor the person going through the tough time of adjusting your brain, and I feel having someone like that with a person going through a sleep study would help people keep on track and not feel alone and isolated with their struggles.

Again, I cannot emphasise how much my journal has been such a valuable tool and has kept me going through the toughest of days when I am PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY pushing myself through!!

I know I am beating insomnia, my sleep drive is so high, I am kissing the stairs to go to bed at the time that is set, and I am counting the seconds down when I can turn off the bedside light and let my head hit the pillow. I have lost all the anxiety of going to sleep, Im too exhausted to feel anxious, I am asleep before my head hits the pillow most nights.

Keep on going, you are doing an incredible job being on the study. Stick with it, because these chances of getting onto sleep studies are so rare, so Im giving it 200% of my effort.because I am refusing to fail. I have too much life that needs to be lived, and I need better quality of physical, mental and emotional quality of life which is under pinned by a healthy sleep schedule.

Next week I loose my sleep nurse, and I feel like a child who is on a bike with stabilisers on. I feel like my stabilisers are being taken away, and that feels rather scary but I know Ive got this. I know the science, I understand the plan, I am sticking with the plan to the letter, and I have to believe that the scientists are right, to trust the science is my mantra!

In about a weeks time, I will have to wear the watch monitor and continue with my sleep diary. They will also do online cognitive tests to see if the additional sleep I am getting is having a positive cognitive impact? I will have these further tests set up over a 6 month period to track if I have successfully continued?

I am amazed your sleep trial is only for 3 weeks as mine is over 6 months, including 4 weeks with a sleep nurse assistance.

May I wish you the very best of luck on your sleep journey. Just remember, you are not alone!

best regards
