Help with husbands restless legs syndrome

Hi. My husband is constantly kicking his feet and moving his legs during sleep. I’ve looked this up and it seems possible he has ‘Restless Legs Syndrome’. Is this something we should go to a doctor about?

Hi beckysmalls, I’m sorry to hear about your husbands sleep issues. First off, yes this is certainly something you should bring to your doctor if it’s getting in the way of you and your husbands sleep.

Based on your description, this seems more like something called Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. With Restless Legs syndrome, people generally experience uncomfortable sensations that create an urge to move them. If it’s just happening in his sleep without him knowing, it probably isn’t that.

Here’s our page on RLS: Restless Legs Syndrome: Symptoms and Causes
and PLMD: Periodic Limb Movements Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments | Sleep Foundation

But again, you need to see a doctor for a real diagnosis.