Hey there. I’m writing to seek help with some weird nighttime behaviors I’ve been experiencing while sleeping. I’ve always had issues sleep walking and talking in my sleep, my wife will often find me in the kitchen or sitting in the living room and have to lead me back to bed. Most recently, she told me that I was engaging in some… sexual behavior… in the middle of the night. I had no recollection of this happening to be honest I’m really embarrassed and worried about it happening again. Is this something I need to see a doctor about? Does anyone know how to fix this?
Hello Gabe10101, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, not a fun issue and it’s hard to talk about. The sexual behavior you described is called sexomnia, it’s a real thing and it’s not uncommon. Sexsomnia, sleepwalking, and other behaviors like this are often the result of other underlying sleep issues, and I recommend you go see a doctor asap, as the solution will depend on your specific situation. It’s important that you and your partner do you research and communicate about this so you and your partner both know what’s happening and how to deal with it.