Misdiagnosis or worrying?

I had a home sleep study and diagnosed was with moderate sleep apnea as recorded 20 ahi episodes.
I have been using my cpap for 5 nights now and highest ahi reading I have had has been 1.4.
Is this because i am on cpap that the treatment is working or is there a chance here of being misdiagnosed?
I never wake up short of breath or sleepy during the day and now i am getting approx 2 hours less sleep a night due to having to wear the mask which i really hate.
I’m very frustrated and have reached out to the medical team but have had no reply. Some advice would be appreciated.

Sounds to me like the CPAP is treating your sleep apnea. Your episodes per hour instantly decrease once you start CPAP, and if they’re under 5 an hour that’s great news.

It generally takes people two weeks to be able to use the CPAP throughout the entire night, It takes that amount of time for you and your body get used to the change. If you are able to tolerate at least 4 hours a night within the first two weeks that is amazing. Be kind to yourself and set short term goals for use. Some folks will practice during the day to desensitize to the new therapy too.

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Solid advice from Scott! I don’t have much more to add but I’m sorry to hear the medical team hasn’t replied to you. I’m curious, where did you get the test and CPAP from?