Non CPAP managed Sleep Apnoea

Hello everyone. I am interested in people who have tried alternatives to CPAP strategies for their sleep apnoea. I’m also interested in other peoples perceptions of how drowsy / fatigued they are in the morning and what their mental state is like? I am wondering how much of an affect these symptoms are having. I have been a right side sleeper and they mention tougue / mouth exercises as an alternative option - have any one tried these please? All the best :slight_smile:

There are definitely non-cpap options out there, especially if you only have mild to moderate sleep apnea. My understanding is that none of them have the same success rate as CPAP however.

The most common ones I’ve seen are mouthpieces, they move your jaw forward to open up the airway. Could be worth a shot if it doesn’t break the bank and you’d like to avoid CPAP! I haven’t heard much about tongue exercises, but I know for me, it takes a lot more than that to rid me of my apnea! But hey, no reason not to try it!

Thank you - how does your apneoa feel / what are the side effects / symptoms please as I didn’t realise what was the potential cause of my sleep issues and changes in cognitive function and fatigue. I am just starting to research it as just found out