Severe sleep talking

I sleep talk with several different “episodes” occurring every night. I have been recording myself every night for the past few months and The speech is clear so i can make out what i am saying. From all of the research i have read it is uncommon for adults, I’m 44, to experience episodes and much less every night. I also remember a lot of my dreams and nightmares so sometimes I remember what was going on in my dreams and know why i was saying what i was saying.
I have been taking mental health steps to stop the nightmares but the sleep talk is something i have done my whole life. I also think there is a genetic component to the parasomnia since my mom and her mom both talk in their sleep and so does my 26 year old son. I am interested in finding out if there are any studies that might be going on that would be interested in reviewing my case.

Sleep talking is actually more common in adults than we used to think! Some studies have suggested that upwards of 66% of adults engage in some form of sleep talking. Although you remembering everything you say is wild! Seems more like a super power, as long as it’s not affecting your sleep negatively and you’re not acting our your dreams physically.

I dont remember everything but I can with some. It is pretty wild. I started recording myself each night and it is very interesting. I feel like my subconscious is talking to my conscious self. Most often it seems that I am having a phone conversation with someone. I end some episodes with love you, or talk to you later, once i even recited my phone number and asked them to call me back!
There is an eerie connection between what I say and either conversations or interactions I have had or alternately will have. The research I found on sleep talking seemed to be a side note which made me think not much had been done in this field of study. I am going to continue recording these nightly occurrences as I feel it is actually helping me address some of the PTSD and even gives me topics for therapy.
I dont know, but maybe there is something to it. Thanks for the response.