Sleep training recommendations?

I’ve heard great things about Taking Cara Babies but am hesitant to spend the money without really knowing anything about it. Has anyone had good experiences with this or another option?

Hi there! I have taken the full Taking Cara Babies first five months course and I found it extremely worth it. We implemented the changes she suggested and our kiddo started sleeping 6 hours in a few days. I would’ve paid double for that amount of sleep at the time, lol! What was key for me is she doesn’t suggest letting the baby “cry it out”. I don’t think I could’ve handled that, to be honest. She does suggest waiting, but at no point does she recommend leaving your baby to cry for more than a few minutes.

This is probably not strictly allowed by her but hot tip nonetheless: I shared the cost with a friend of mine who also just had a baby and we both shared one login. It was really nice to split the cost but also to have someone to chat about it with.

Wishing you sleep soon!