Unusual sleep issue

I have had a complete nightmare of a sleep problem which involves falling asleep for any length of time, and occasionally this can go on all day. I have been to the sleep clinic, but my issue mainly happens when I am on my own. This diabolical situation has caused me to be robbed and assaulted, and it continues to this day. I have asked for help on numerous occasions, but it has not been forthcoming. I am asking you if there is a way I can get help here. Furthermore, I should point out that an MRI scan of my head revealed significant brain damage. I was diagnosed with sleep apnoea, but this was not anything to do with why I went to the sleep clinic. The circuitry in my brain appears to be running completely out of sync. I have slept for 19 hours in one day

That sounds horrible. Have you spoken to anyone at the Sleep Foundation for help?

Dear Jody:
I have asked for advice, but I am not sure if they have given any yet. On top of what has been going on with my sleep, I have been suffering harassment quite badly. I am trying to solve these two problems together as they both may be making my sleep worse, or out of control, which is what you would call it. I am more hopeful of getting good treatment here in the UK, than I have been previously. The cause of the sleep problem is almost certainly the brain damage which occurred around 2010/2011.

I am so grateful for your response, and you have made me smile that there is such kindness being offered to me. Thank you.


Hi Douglas,

Have you ever contacted the Daniel Amen clinics? He has done a lot of work with brain trauma. I know there are several clinics in the US, but I don’t know if they have anything similar in the UK. (I’m American, but we lived outside London for a few years beginning in 2006.) I wonder if you contacted them via email, if they would try to help you? https://www.amenclinics.com/

I’m sorry that people are harassing you. That is just awful. I will let you know if I can come up with anything. I had a mild concussion last year from a ski accident and my youngest daughter had a bad concussion years ago from an ice skating fall. I know we both had to follow the concussion protocol - no screens at all, no reading - no brain stimulation - for at least a month, but your damage happened quite a while ago, so I don’t know if that would help at all.

There Are good people still out there - no matter how mean people seem to have become in recent years. I think it’s very easy to hide behind a computer or phone screen and just go after people and then that translates to “real life”. That’s one reason I have no social media presence any longer.

Know that people DO care,


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Dear Jody:

Thank you so much for the email. I have sent a message to the Amen clinic. They sound extremely understanding and helpful.

I thank you again.
