Very severe sleep apnea

I have had a home sleep monitoring test january 2024. Appointment with a consultant in october 2024 diagnosed very severe sleep apnea, with 60 apneas per hour and oxygen levels less than 90% for more than 55% of the night. I was put on a urgent list for an appointment with a respiratory physiologist for a cpap machine. However i am worried about long term effects of the condition. Been told this week that it will be May at least.
Can anyone advise please?

If you have an order for a CPAP, you can buy a CPAP online and get started on the therapy right away. If you are waiting on the orders to get a CPAP, you could look into a tele-health option like (ie. ISLEEP) to get tested, therapy ordered, and delivered in less than a month depending on schedule and shipping. You can also consult your family physician, some will write an order for an auto CPAP that will treat your apnea by auto titrating your pressure needs.