Is this CPAP Machine Any Good?

I’ve been looking into CPAP machines for sleep apnea. They seem to help a lot with better sleep and breathing at night. But I learned that most need a prescription, which can be a hassle.

I found out some machines don’t require one, like this machine. Anyone tried something similar? How did it work for you?

Thank you

Hi Andrea to correctly use a CPAP machine and get the benefits it’s really best to be properly assessed by a sleep specialist with an overnight sleep test and then if you do need a CPAP machine, they will arrange to have it programmed with appropriate settings and monitor your progress. I don’t think using CPAP is a DIY project and I don’t imagine you would try random blood pressure medications because you thought you might have blood pressure. Similarly, sleep apnea is a serious condition with multiple health ramifications and to manage it correctly you really do need a proper assessment and appropriate management.