Have seen some good tips out there, but not much of it is actionable or is hard to actually do… open to any reccos or resources people like and trust.
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I cut my afternoon coffee last year and it has been huge! I sleep better and really don’t feel that tired after lunch like I used to. Give it a shot.
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I’ve spent way too much time getting the bedroom and bed temperature perfect, but it has paid dividends. I’m a very hot sleeper while my wife is always cold, which means we are constantly in a tug of war. Here’s how we solved it:
- We use different bedding (look up the Scandinavian sleep method: What Is the Scandinavian Sleep Method?)
- My bedding is typically just a coverlet and a throw blanket. In the winter I sub this out for a light quilt low fill.
- Set the bedroom temp at 67 degrees
- Use a fan for ambient airflow